Sometimes, despite your best efforts to find a good web host, you end up on a service that doesn’t live up to its promises. Maybe the problem isn’t the host at all – maybe your website has just outgrown the plan you started on. Maybe the web host has new ownership that doesn’t take care…
Renting the right web host
When it comes to getting the most out of your web hosting investment, it’s best to consider all of the factors that determine a good service. It’s easy for an inexperienced web publisher and hosting customer to make costly and time consuming mistakes, so let’s learn some basics about web hosting before we jump in…
Renting vs owning web hosting
How about web hosting? If we can save by owning our online marketing, can we save by owning the physical infrastructure of our digital presence?
Renting or owning ads
As a business owner, you’d probably rather acquire assets than rent them. Can the same go for assets provided as services? Is it even possible to own your advertising campaign instead of renting it out?